
The Headteacher and Governors are passionate about the breadth and balance of the curriculum throughout the year groups and understand fully the necessity to implement a range of activities and experiences to widen horizons for all the young people in our care.

The staff team have been working to consider the intent of their curriculum design as part of their Artsmark journey.  

Staff have sought innovative ways to address skills building during 2018 - 2020, such as in ‘Skills Days’ across the curriculum, teaching across the school to strengths (sharing of good practice between staff) and development of progressive skills within a subject.

They have had a number of staff meetings (led by subject leaders) focusing on specific foundation subjects, looking at progression of knowledge and skills across the school.  These discussions have of course included how we can engage and deliver for pupils with SEND and disadvantaged pupils within our curriculum.

In the Early years we follow the Birth to 5 Matters document.

In Key Stage One & Two we follow the National Curriculum.

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Contact the School

Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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'Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow'