Class 3 - The Bewitching Butterflies 2024 - 2025
Mrs Yarrow
Welcome to Class 3. We are a mixed class of enthusiastic Years 5 and 6 pupils.
On a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon all the children in school are split into 2 groups, the 'Acorns' (R/1/2/3) and 'Oaks' (4/5/6). The children will access the lessons of PE, art and design technology, computing, music and PSHE whilst in these groups. Being taught by teachers within their specialism.
This year class 3 will have two teaching assistants working in the class throughout the week. Mrs Taylor, who works Monday to Friday and Mrs Bennett, who works Monday to Wednesday.
Our geography and history topic this Spring Term is WW2 and our science topic is Forces.
In English the children will be reading "Stormbreaker" by Anthony Horowitz.
In Maths children will learn about place value, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division and fractions. We use the White Rose scheme of work to teach and the steps of development are availble to see on their website.
For PE children will be doing a minimum of two hours a week, Wednesday afternoons with Mr Blair and Thursday afternoons with Miss Taylor-Crozier.
Mrs Battersby will be teaching the class on Wednesdays.
Within school children are heard reading twice a week - either 1:1 with their own book or as part of a guided reading session. Please can children try and read daily at home as this helps to improve blending, comprehension, grammar, spelling and most importantly helps to develop a life-long love of reading for pleasure!
Our expectations are that children should be reading with a parent 5 times each week. Children should also be learning their weekly spellings. The half term's overview will be sent out at the beginning of each half term so that you can practise at home. The children should also be practising their times tables on TTRS for 10 minutes, 3 days a week.
The year 6 children will be getting extra homework throughout the year to help them prepare for their SATs exams.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office team:
Files to Download
Class 3 - The Bewitching Butterflies: Blog items
South Lakeland District Cross Country Trials, by Miss Taylor-Crozier
Class 3 - The Bewitching Butterflies: Calendar items
Castle Head, by Miss Taylor-Crozier
Tower Wood, by Miss Taylor-Crozier
Edinburgh Residential Years 5 and 6, by Mrs Battersby