Mrs Iveson - Governor Profile

Date: 21st Oct 2018 @ 2:59pm

Mary Iveson - Co-opted Governor

I am Mary Iveson and I have been a governor at the school for nine years. I have served in the role of Foundation Governor which means that, as a member of the Priory Church, I was appointed by Carlisle Diocese on the recommendation of Cartmel Priory Parochial Church council. A Foundation Governor is there to ensure that the school’s religious character as a Voluntary Controlled School is preserved and developed and I have given regular reports to the PCC on the work of the school. I was elected chair of governors by the Governing Body and have undertaken that role for a total of four years. As an ex-head teacher of a village primary school in Hertfordshire, I felt I was in a unique position to support my local primary school as I had been equally supported by a strong Governing Body in the past.

Governorship is a rewarding experience. Team work is essential, and as such each governor takes on a specific supportive role which he/she can develop over time. I have usually overseen Assessment, when Mrs Battersby and I look at levels achieved by pupils and how much progress they have made. I am able to ask questions to identify if any subjects are particularly strong or weak and if there any patterns over time. Together we also look to see if any particular groups of pupils have achieved particularly well or might benefit from additional support. We don’t look at an individual’s results, and all the data is anonymized.

I work alongside Mrs Battersby and Revd. Nick Devenish in discussions relating to the religious ethos of the school. We plan visits to the Priory, support school assemblies and special events and attend conferences and Diocesan events. It’s always fun when the children (the school’s Ethos Committee) are involved in the meetings and we are frequently led into many thoughtful discussions. I also manage the governors’ finances and oversee the maintenance of the Old School House.

Being a governor is a very rewarding experience, but last summer I decided the time had come to stand down as Foundation Governor. I did not wish to relinquish my connection and so have become an Co-opted Member. I am able to serve on a committee, retain oversight of governors’ funds and School House, continue my supportive role and attend full governing body meetings. Regular visits to school are still actively encouraged!

I have many happy memories of life at Cartmel. One of the best was on a residential visit to London five (?) years ago, when as we were waiting to cross the road opposite the Houses of Parliament, the Queen was driven by and gave us a wonderful smile and wave - a moment to be treasured.

As governors we are indeed fortunate to be able to play our part in the life of our local school. We are fortunate to have strong leadership in Mrs Battersby and to have committed staff in all areas; and we are fortunate to be able to work alongside parents, carers and the local community who are ambitious about achieving the best possible outcomes for our young people. I am grateful to have been allowed to play a small part.

Contact the School

Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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