Headteacher Friday Update 8th March 2019
Date: 8th Mar 2019 @ 9:02am
What a busy week! On Wednesday we had the Book Bus, Reverend Nick leading worship and Cyclewise groups taking place, all in the course of the morning!!! The children really enjoyed visiting the Book Bus, sharing stories and choosing new books. Congratulations to all our cyclists and many thanks to Miss Lace, for their hard work over the week. They certainly had to cope with a few deluges and then today, it's dry and bright! Typical! We welcome Miss Anna Gilles to school as a PGCE student in Class 2 from today. She will be doing several days prior to the Easter break and then a long block following the Easter holidays. We hope she will enjoy her time in school with us. The children doing Godspell this weekend at The Priory have been rehearsing with Mrs Battersby and Mr and Mrs Iveson. We are looking forward to seeing them perform on Sunday with the Priory Choir.
Wishing you a super weekend,
Mrs Battersby