Headteacher Friday Update 4th September 2020
Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 11:40am
Welcome back everyone! It has been wonderful to see the children back in school and they seem delighted to be back with their friends at last. School has been a very busy place this week. With building work keeping all staff off the main site until this Tuesday, we had one full day to get everything organised. So, we spent the day moving furniture, setting up desks, preparing classrooms, cleaning and planning. What a team! All the staff worked really hard to ensure a positive and ‘as normal as possible’ welcome for the children. Thank you to all.
As such, it will take us a little time to settle into new routines. We will be assessing where the children are at in their learning over the forthcoming days and reading books and homework will start to come home. Please be aware that due to Covid-19, books will need to be quarantined on return to school and so teachers are working to seek online as well as hard copy formats to enhance reading opportunities. The class teachers will communicate the way they will work for their classes in due course.
Please note that the school office will only be open all day on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Should you need to contact us urgently outside of these times, please phone and leave a message if the phone is not answered. We will be holding any meetings with parents virtually. Should you need to speak with your child’s class teacher, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.
May I take this opportunity to remind you to be vigilant and should your child display any Covid symptoms; high temperature, new continuous cough or change to/loss of sense of taste or smell, they must not attend school and a test should be sought immediately. Please also notify school as soon as possible and let us know if you are struggling to access a test.
With best wishes to you all,
Mrs Battersby