Headteacher Friday Update 25th April 2019
Date: 25th Apr 2019 @ 9:24pm
I do hope you all enjoyed a super Easter weekend in the glorious sunshine! It certainly was amazing weather, which always makes everything so much better.
We seem to have squeezed a lot in during this shorter week, with ongoing Maths and English work, coupled with sports and music rehearsals. We look forward, as I write this, to our whole school Geography day tomorrow. The children will be developing skills in different areas using maps, globes and atlases, looking at compass points, co-ordinates and much more through games and activities designed by the staff team.
We have recently acquired some new art equipment in school for the purposes of enhancing our curriculum teaching in this area. The staff had drawing and painting training this evening from Mrs Yarrow and printmaking from Mrs Wilson. We all feel prepared to use the new resources with the children for the benefit of their development in this subject.
Next week we will be restarting a trial of quality Golden Time on a Friday afternoon. Mr Dunstan is busy collating information regarding a series of clubs which the children will be able to attend during this time. Each 'club' will be run by a member of staff. The Golden Time will be a reward session but with quality first teaching for 'golden' behaviour. Those children who have unfortunately been on amber or red during the week, will miss some or all of their golden time and spend some time reflecting on how to improve behaviours with me. I am quite sure that I will not be having to see many children during this time but we do want to continue to reward all the positive behaviours we see in school, whilst enabling the children to engage with quality teaching activities such as sports, arts, computing, DT etc.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Mrs Battersby