Headteacher Friday Update 10th July 2020
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 5:11pm
As we fast approach the end of term, preparations are under way for the send off of our Year 6 pupils! I do hope you may be able to join us for the Leavers' Service on Thursday via Zoom at 10am. Invites have already been emailed out. A few more treats are in store for the children over the course of this week, organised by Mr Dunstan and Miss Lace.
Your child's school report will be emailed out to you this week, so please do look out for this from Mrs Wilson in the school office.
Preparations for September full opening are also well under way. A further letter detailing this will be coming out to you this week also.
Wishing you a lovely and sunny (hopefully) weekend,
Mrs Battersby