Easter Activities
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 5:24pm
We have been busy in the run up to the Easter holidays making bunny headbands for the annual Easter Bingo event. It was '"Eyes down" for a line, followed by a full house. Thank you to the Friends of Cartmel Primary School for organising this popular event.
Class 1 have been decorating eggs and made Easter themed crispy cakes with Chef Cam. We enjoyed eating these after our Easter egg hunt in the school gardens.
Chef Cam also ran another extremely popular After School Club where we made Easter egg cheesecake.
The children mixed chocolate and Rice Krispies to make a base for their Easter egg to sit on.
They layered their cheesecake with a biscuit base, cream cheese and raspberry filling and decorated with mini eggs, strawberries and grated chocolate.
The whole school joined Revd. Nick Devenish at Cartmel Priory for our assembly where we moved around the church and learnt about The Easter Story.