Class 1 Homework Challenges 25.01.19
Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 5:00pm
What a busy week!
Maths - Reception have a daily focus for each day of the week which includes number, counting, challenges, shape and measure. They have been practising their 2D and 3D shapes again and identifying 2D from 3D. "2D shapes are flat, 3D shapes are fat!" A focus for all of class 1 next week will be shape so familiarising themselves with 2D and 3D shapes and their properties through a shape hunt, quiz, making junk models or a Boris the Robot would be great! From assessment the children are less confident with pentagon, hexagon and octagon. Year 1 have been practising their addition and subtraction and how to start with the largest number first, place it in their head and count up. You could have a small number of questions each day and time how many they can get in 1 minute! Let us know your score!
English - This week's traditional tale has been The Gingerbread Man. We have used T4W (Talk for Writing) to act out the story and make a story map as a group, we then swapped some characters and created and wrote an alternate ending. The children may want to draw their own story map at home and include their new characters, we had the GM meet a fairy, Father Christmas, a dolphin and a dragon! We also discussed adjectives and tried to describe our characters. You could create your own imaginary friend and write some adjectives around them to describe how you would like them to be/their interests. Year 1 have also been looking at question marks and how to write a question, using them appropriately. You could be a journalist and think of some questions to ask Goldilocks for our hot seating drama lesson next week to practise writing questions and using a question mark - they are tricky to form!
PSHE - Miss Lace has been discussing Boris the Robot and how he has a good heart. On Thursday the children had two apples passed around and had to say only not nice things to one and nice to the other. When cutting it open the apple who they had not said nice things to was bruised and not healthy. We have had lots of circle times to discuss believing in ourselves and being kind. You may want to have a chat about how you could show kindness in school/at home/out and about and create a small video for us to show and share in circle time or create a picture collage of all the kind things they did.
Art/RE - We have begun creating our own 'The Farm' picture inspired by Miro's magical realism. The children started creating their picture with things special to them, including some objects which were realist and differing the objects size to make it more magical and absurd. They could use books, magazines and thier own pictures and drawings to create a collage of the things special to them to support them with their ideas for carrying on next week.
Apologies if some books didn't come home. We read with them this afternoon, we rushed back from celebration assembly and the children were very excited about cake at the end of the day! Happy Birthday B & L! (:
Have a lovely weekend!