Class 1 Homework Challenges 16.11.18

Date: 16th Nov 2018 @ 12:27pm

Well done Class 1 for your super homework last week. It was brilliant to see so many achivements shared on Tapestry for us all to see. It was wonderful to see so many creative aliens too!

This week we've had a very busy week. Children have been doing some assessments for us to check their progress and these will continue into next week.

It would be great if you could of some of the following actvities:

English: reading and recognising sight words. Please play games with sight words. You could turn them upside down and take turns picking a word and readings them, you could make 2 copies and play snap - please be inventive and share your successes on Tapestry - there are lots of game ideas online.  (Where to find the words: I have put a document on the parents section of the school website where you can print out word cards linked to your child's phonic phase. The words listed are sight words - this means that your child should recognise the word instantly (within 3 seconds) without sounding them out. Sight Words are also in the front of your child’s reading record book :) )  

Maths: numberbonds to 5 and numberbonds to 10. If you say a number to 5 can they tell you the partner number - eg You say '3' and they say '2'. They can use their hand to help them! 1 minute challenge - how many  can they answer in 1 minute? Can they answer mpore than you? Once your child has mastered numberbonds to 5, can they have a go at numberbonds to 10, 20, 100? (Resources: )

PSHE: Our topic this half term is 'Going for Goals!' As part of this we have been celebrating success and talking about our responsibilities. In school children are working hard to remember to organise their own resources such as remembering their coat for playtimes without reminders, getting their book folder from the box at hometime etc. Are there any tasks your child can be responsible for at home? Maybe they could be in charge of setting the table everyday, making their own bed, packing their own school bag. Please talk to them about their responsibilities. 

The school nativity: children should each have a slip in their bag about their role in the school nativity (one of their responsibility tasks this week!) Year 1 pupils are all cows and Reception children are all donkeys! Please could you provide a costume for your child. We will need it in school closer to the time of the production - I will keep you updated. 

Please keep sharing homework successes on Tapestry :)

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Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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